What a transnational constitution could look like

Made strong by our common past and anxious to safeguard our national identities, we unite our destinies in a same common political space. We thus state our will to participate in the instauration of a world order liable to promote fraternity among all the citizens of the world.

Article 1

We, the citizens of (Name of the Country) decide to join in a wider political entity, called Union… so as to be able to participate in the world’s affairs. The Union takes… as its flag, … as its anthem, and the… as its possible currency. The official language(s) or the working language(e) of the Union is/are…. The Union intends to participate in the construction of a world order conform to the rules of democracy, the natural regime of all mankind.

Article 2

The Union takes care of the respect of the superior principles of the law as stated in the Declaration of the Rights and Duties of the Citizen enshrined in the preamble of the Constitution. Its Constitutional Court guarantees the unicity of the law throughout the territory of the Union and the respect of the superior legal principles of universal value as they have been defined. It acts as supreme court of appeal above the supreme jurisdictions of the member States. It contributes through its diplomacy to the liberty of exchanges, the protection of the environment and the well-being of all mankind.

Article 3

Adhesion to the Union is decided at a qualified majority by the nationally elected officials confirmed by a vote of the citizens at a majority of the ballots cast in a referendum. The application for membership of a new State is subject to the agreement of the Union members, given through a qualified majority vote of their respective assemblies.

Article 4

The procedure of decision-making inside the Union is by qualified majority, which enables it to make common decisions in the matter of foreign affairs, when it considers that these are relevant to the common interest. The Union ensures its own security and that of each member State through means of defense placed at their service. It guarantees the free circulation of citizens, goods and services throughout its territory, this principle being compatible with the national laws governing the attribution of public aid to the sole citizens of each particular State.

Article 5

An Upper House, or Senate, gathers the delegates of the different States, with a maximum number of two hundred and one delegates. These make decisions as to the possible widening of competences of the Union. Each member State provides one senator at least, the other seats being allocated in proportion of the population of the member countries. The senators are elected according to a procedure proper to each member State; They make their decisions at a qualified majority.

Article 6

The competences of the Union can be common, shared or optional. Common competences are exclusively managed at Union level. Shared competences are divided among the Union and the member States. Optional competences result in policies in which the countries participate on a voluntary basis. The content and nature of competences will necessarily evolve with time.

Article 7

The senators elect the President of the Union, whose mission it is to represent the Union’s populations and to verify that fundamental laws are respected. The President of the Union appoints as Prime Minister the leader of the majority party in Parliament. The Prime Minister is accountable to the Parliament and implements the policies of the Union. He/She chooses and dismisses the ministers.

Article 8

The Union Parliament makes decisions regarding the fields of competence of the Union. Its members are elected by a single majority vote, so that the agenda of the transnational parties may be identical in all the countries of the Union. The constituencies are multinational and electronically defined by a draft at Union scale. The officials elected have a mastery of English, the international lingua franca, and of another language of the Union on top of their own., so as to be able to communicate with the electors of their constituency.

Article 9

The contributions paid by the States are proportional to their riches. The Senate sets the maximum amount of the tax levy in the Union and the nature of the taxes that can be levied. The budgets voted are balanced budgets. The common laws and policies take care to respect the cultural identities of the different nations.

Article 10

In the occurrence of a conflict between the Senate and the Assembly resulting in impairing the decision-making capacities and the functioning of the Union, the Constitutional Court decides the dispute. The Senate has the power to modify the Constitution of the Union provided the modification is validated by the members of the Union Parliament or, failing that, by the citizens of the Union.

Article 11

The compensation arrangements regarding the senators and their collaborators fall under the authority of the different States. Those regarding the members of the Union Parliament, the funding of election campaigns and the financing of the transnational parties are set by the Senate. The elected officials and political groups of the Union are granted budgets enabling them to call on cabinets of political expertise and studies in public policies. The consultations are subject to international tendering for public contracts.

Article 12

The Union Parliament can set convergent objectives to the institutions of the different member States, with a view to making those conform more closely to the rules of democracy. It then belongs to the senators concerned to propose a revision of their country’s constitution. The revision is validated by the national assembly by a two-third majority vote or, failing this, by a simple majority vote of the citizens.

Article 13

A member State can ask to leave the Union. Its request is presented by the senators of the said State, provided the members of the national Parliament, voting at a qualified majority, give their agreement. The secession is approved by the vote at a qualified majority of the members of the Union Parliament convened in extraordinary congress. The decision comes into effect after a referendum among the citizens of the country concerned.

Article 14

The Union has the power to make treaties and enter into contractual relations with other transnational entities having similar objectives.